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gillypooey-mooey-gooey says hello everyone and anyone! :D
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♥ .A little magic. A little fate.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
10:15 PM

I don't know why but I really dread going to school these days.
I just want my holidays.

I hate school!

♥ .A little magic. A little fate.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
4:23 PM

gooooood morning world! :D :D :D
im in an exceptionally happy mood for no rhyme or reason
and i wanna do so so many things today even though it's kinda like 4ish in the afternoon.
prolly at the end of today i'll sigh and say i didnt accomplish much BUT IT'S OKAY!
because the thought of wanting to do so many things now is motivating much!

first thing on the list is to upload all the backdated photos.
so here goes!
(it's gonna be a series of photos. dont choke!)

Christmas Day 08 with the lovelies!
Minds Cafe with the girlies and boyfriends can never be more fun!
im looking forward to Chinese New Year already, and all other events/gatherings that are gonna follow after!
you guys just bring so much fun into my life! :D

Jurong Bird Park
the Khoos are back for holidays!! :D
and the boyfriend and I have been spending quality time with them. heh.
i cant quite recall when was the last time i visited the Bird Park, but it was an amazing time this round!
running and fooling around with the cuties to gluing our bums to the seats on the tram ride to made up stories and pee competitions for the boys,
my baby-sitting date turned out more like a play-group excursion with my aunt as the teacher and us as the kids!

he goes, 'i wanna take ugly photos of korkor eric.'
but hey Josh! we caught yours too! :D

look at Joel's expression. he looks so darn cute i wanna squish him!

dim sum buffet and Hong Meng's 7th birthday
with the family, it's always eat play eat play laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh!
especially when you put all our mummys together and all the crazy cousins together,
you need to shout and scream when talking to one another in the house.
that's how loud we are. and i think it runs in the family.
(nette, i know you totally agree with me! and i bet you're enjoying your birthday bash in Bintan now. im jealous you're not bringing us so you know what to do the next time!)

this is random. they just look way too cute.

90 minutes train ride to JB
with only an hour of sleep before we set off on a train ride with my folks
im surprised we didnt chew each other's head off due to the lack of sleep
since by the end of the day i was already a grouchy whiney girl who wants nothing but her bed and his uncomfortable nose was giving him a helluva sniffing problem.
instead, the boyfriend was being all so sweet i only wanna love him more!

we combed three shopping malls, had countless meals,
(or maybe it's because we ate a whole lot of different food it creates an impression that i had various meals. :/ )
fell asleep on every shuttle bus ride almost immediately after the bus drove off,
and i dig our Levi's 'One Love' tee! hehe. (:
we both kinda randomly decided on our own beforehand that we want us both to wear that top.
coincidental or telepathy i dont know. but cute. like totally!
(: (: (:

told you it's gonna be a long post.
and while uploading the photos, i've already thrown out half of the clothes in my wardrobe.
im gonna go have some dessert now before i carry on with those on my 'to-do' list.
tomorrow's monday, the start of the week.
but im soooooo looking forward to thursday because then i'll see my boyfriend! (:

toodles for now, happy girl's signing off!